I gotta say, today was a good day
Too often I let my overall gloomy mood overshadow the good things, so I’m writing now and here because I can’t get to my journals at this exact moment and I’m trying to practice procrastinating less.
Today was actually pretty good after a rough night. Hank’s bug bites might be a little infected and the itching keeps him up at night. Which keeps me up.
But he took Molly out in the middle of the night before he went out for another hot shower. That meant I got to sleep in until 8:30am. Absolutely decadent.
Made coffee and breakfast and we watched a few episodes of TNG and just chilled. Molly jumped between us and slept while making the cutest noises. I wonder what she was dreaming about?
Then we braved the elements, DEET-ed ourselves up and soaked up some sun at our site. I got deeper into and gave Molly lots of belly rubs. She’s getting better st staying at my feet when we aren’t doing anything.
Then pool time. I could really get used to this leisure thing… but Hank started talking to people, which mean I had to,(societal norms, y’all), and it turned out to be a great conversation and much information was exchanged. I find it amusing that the nicest people here are from New York (Long Island specifically).
Returned to a very happy to see us Molly, I got comfy on the ground reading in one hand and scratching belly with the other until it was time to walk, shower, do dishes, have dinner, do dishes again, and maybe I will do duolingo before bed or journal “properly” (Lord knows I brought along enough guided journals as well as a planner and one blank book).
But first, I need to eat. And finish my wine. Back to the corporate grind tomorrow.