
'Tis the Season

TIL: More than 20 viruses are going around that could be causing my current bout of ick, and they are all stronger since the pandemic, as in, the common cold now takes at least 7 days to get over instead of 3-4 days. Antivirals only exist for the flu and COVID. Everything else gets supportive therapies (hello, hot toddy!). The good news is I don’t have pneumonia (walking or otherwise) or my other fear, yet another bout of bronchitis (for me, that’s 6 weeks of guaranteed misery).

So today, I am trying to “mom” myself. Soup, tea, Puffs with Lotion, Emergen-C, and rest in between bouts of coughing, losing my voice, and expectorating all sorts of ick. Doc says to return in two weeks if I haven’t gotten better.

DaNanner @UnfocusedWanderlust