Yes. There is such a thing. I was making the banana bread and between the butter in the batter (usually I use olive oil or coconut oil) and the buttering of the loaf pan, all that just overflowed onto the hot oven bottom, set off the smoke alarm, and scared the beejebus out of Molly and concerned Scooby.
It took entirely too long for the smoke to clear, despite opening all the windows and doors. The Nest alarms wouldn’t shut off. Thank goodness for my air purifier.
Molly didn’t trust coming back in, not even for treats and belly rubs. After about 2 hours she was willing to reluctantly trust me for a game of “Use Your Nose”. It probably helped that I was working on basic commands with Scooby and he was getting all of the treats and praise.
And if you’re wondering, the banana bread came out delicious and moist. Tastes wonderful alone or with apple butter.
Now to clean the bottom of the oven. Yay.