
Essential Reading for Introverts Job Hunting

Currently Reading: Taking the Work Out of Networking by Karen Wickre đź“š

Yes, I read the introductions in non-fictiion books. And I absolutely “watch the room” instead of working it. I love people-watching (and eavesdropping, and probably judging), but now I need to turn that habit into networking.

“Another essential for networking is being a good observer- a clear advantage we have over chattier peers. I am forever wondering about who people are and why they are that way. What’s their demeanor, what’s their history, what animates or irritates them? I observe, and somehow, I remember and apply that knowledge as needed.”

The Tools You Already Have It may seem ironic, but I think we introverts have qualities that make us very effective networkers. One example: our interest in others exceeds our need to talk about ourselves. When I meet someone, I'm much more comfortable asking, "What's new with you?" or "Tell me about yourself" This move gives me time to size up the person. A psychologist might say people enjoy my company because I let them have the floor. It is true that even as an introvert, I want to be liked (a default setting, apparently, for girls born in the 1950s). Whatever the reason, I always begin encounters anywhere but with me. Another essential for networking is being a good observer- a clear advantage we have over chattier peers. I am forever wondering about who people are and why they are that way. What's their demeanor, what's their history, what animates or irritates them? I observe, and somehow, I remember and apply that knowledge as needed. An equally vital and underleveraged element in the introvert's arsenal is the use of social media and digital communication to reach people in ways that may feel more natural. By making good use of online interactions, it's frankly easier to connect with people both within and outside your company minus the dread of working the room. This book will show you how participating in social media services, even lightly, gives introverts an advantage when it comes to staying in loose touch an essential daily habit that helps us feel connected and empowered from the safe distance of our screens.
DaNanner @UnfocusedWanderlust