
So, on my Long Beach trip (write-up coming eventually), I (re)learned something about myself. I love being active. I hate exercise, but I like seeing what my body can do, pushing my limits, and then pushing through them (and the activity-triggered panic attack) again. And my brain works better after a day or two of strenuous activity.

But I don’t always want to think when my body wants to sleep and recover, so I am looking for that sweet spot that doesn’t lead me back into exhaustion. I’ve done that too many times to myself. This week, on Tuesday and Thursday, I opted for a change of scenery. The dogs are in camp, so I might as well take advantage of having the whole day to myself to get caught up on classwork. (how in the hell did I get behind so quickly????)

Making myself shower and get dressed in something other than “loungewear”, get on the train, walk a bit, interact with people (in a limited capacity), and then focus with the sounds of other people studying around me. Or doing whatever, but quietly, because we are in a library.

This post has gone completely off the rails from what I thought I wanted to write. But what else is new?

Anyway, just needed to get this roundabout personal observation out of the way so I don’t readily forget it again. Exercise is good for my brain. I love my brain. I want my brain to do what it excels at. Solve problems. So … get to moving.

DaNanner @UnfocusedWanderlust