I need a new listen to get through all of this paperwork (well, admin-type work) and started
Night Vale Presents: Unlicensed. And, of course, now I can’t focus on work. So I need to figure out what I really can listen to that is familiar and entertaining but won’t draw me in to the point where I ignore the things I am supposed to be doing.
Recommendations are appreciated as I know I have more than one day of this.
More than 20 viruses are going around that could be causing my current bout of ick, and they are all stronger since the pandemic, as in, the common cold now takes at least 7 days to get over instead of 3-4 days. Antivirals only exist for the flu and COVID. Everything else gets supportive therapies (hello, hot toddy!). The good news is I don’t have pneumonia (walking or otherwise) or my other fear, yet another bout of bronchitis (for me, that’s 6 weeks of guaranteed misery).
So today, I am trying to “mom” myself. Soup, tea, Puffs with Lotion, Emergen-C, and rest in between bouts of coughing, losing my voice, and expectorating all sorts of ick. Doc says to return in two weeks if I haven’t gotten better.
Truth be told, I am so used to thinking and writing in HTML that learning markdown is kinda hard.
However, going from HP to Duel of the Fates (SW) took me out of flow 😂 I’m trying to get administrative manager work done and off my plate for the rest of the year!
It’s been a hot minute since I logged in here, and wow! Loving some of the changes. I had to update my mastodon account since I moved instances, and then I wondered, “how do I ease the load on my images if I upload them here?” It looks like I will be going super old-school, like before Picasa (may it RIP) old-school. Flickr used to allow blogging to Blogger, so I need to revisit how to get my Flickr photos here when I photojournal.
Either that or my Flickr account will be inundated with random thoughts. Either way … let’s go make some mistakes.
What does it mean to be engaged? Not married, but involved (preferably enthusiastically) with work. Because I just don't see the point.
Things at work are changing again; honestly, I am just over it. I thought I wanted more work responsibility and recognition, but now that everything is on fire and people are looking at me for guidance, I'm kinda like, "Y'all should have listened to the fire prevention advice I've only been shouting for the last year."
My soul is dying a little bit each day, just like my lucky bamboo in the window, which, as you can see, is not getting enough light now.
This is not a "cry wolf" situation. It's what I do. I vented to my squad. Finally heard back that I am valid (got gaslit by my previous manager and still working through that ish) and they are working through some of the same. Disgruntled women over a certain age are almost as formidable as today's teens when we can summon up enough energy to deal with other people's bullshit.
I am really looking forward to some much-needed R&R next week. Real sunshine! Not four LED therapy lights placed strategically around my cave of "Contemplation and Caffeine" or something like that.
Ok, deep breath, good tunes, and clean my desk. The rest of the shit can be dealt with later when I have some literal and metaphorical space to deal with it.
It’s been a while since I’ve read any Turtledove and this book is from the 90s, but it does stand up quite well given the rapidly changing views around … everything.
Now that I finally have a positive test … symptoms started on Thursday afternoon with a cough and sore throat that I was attributing to allergies and moving in between ice cold AC and the current heat wave. By 2am Friday morning I had a fever and body aches. Friday’s Covid home test was negative so maybe it’s something else. I mean, I did have a pretty intense chiropractic adjustment and haven’t been drinking enough… water.
If only. Drenched in sweat Friday night into Saturday morning, coughing up phlegm chunks that reminded me of an illness I had as a kid, when not coughing hard enough to vomit, plus the fever and headache. Thank goodness for Tylenol and Advil and Instacart. And Netflix. And I’m vaxxed and boosted but my last booster was last October. I’ve been waiting on the Omicron variant booster to be available. C’est la vie.
I only feel human so long as the NSAIDs are working, well, juman with a very wet cough. Walking pneumonia seems to be a thing in my family, even in the summertime, so I’ll be checking in with my doctor. Call me paranoid. It’s ok. I am.
One other random thing— I’ve had to wear my readers A LOT more because I feel like my eyeballs are vibrating and I can’t see my screen without them. Any of them. It’s annoying. Anyone else have a similar issue with eyesight?
It’s an exceptionally nice day today after the sweltering heat and humidity of the last few days, so I decided to set up outside for a bit.
Molly is off at daycare so she’s out of way whenever the maids decide to show up.
Zoe was looking lonely and rather than haul her upstairs to my office (not pleasant for either one of us right now - my back, her hind quarters), I set up space for her too. She decided she prefers being on the ground on my right instead of my left. Ok, whatever. Happy napping girl.
Audiobook: The Salvage Crew by Yudhanjaya Wijeratne 📚– also on Kindle Unlimited / Audible and narrated by Nathan Fillion